Reymar Taleon's Corner

1. What are the factors that contributed to the success and failure of Steve Jobs as a technopreneur?


“Pirates of the silicon valley” the story talks about Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, both are well-known person in the world of high technology and computer industry because of their historic contribution in rising of the computer age. The movie documents the rise of the home computer (personal computer) through the rivalry between Apple Computer and Microsoft.


Once an IT expert said that “success is a critical factor in everyone's life and everybody thrives for the same on less or more extent.” In ones success personality and attitude plays an important role in achieving success. To succeed in life, you need to impress your  clients you need to display the able ness and preparation on your part, which shows and make others think that you are eligible for some work and can be fully entrusted with it. In such situation your personality, your attitude, your confidence, the way you speak and turn situations in your favor, your tactics, play an important role in deciding if your client is going to trust you or not. In the movie there are some factors considered in Steve jobs success and failures especially in his personality and behaviors.

Steve Jobs a business magnate, inventor, innovator and a successful person of his time. He is one of the reasons why we have this high technology in our days his own company producing a new trend since now and then. However, Steve as a successful person is also experiencing failures or downfall. There are some factors that contributed to his success as a technopreneur.


One is being intelligent, Steve using his knowledge made a great impact or start in the computer industry. Through his intelligent he was able to invent or develop the personal computer which is very useful nowadays. The progress of his company is also rooted through his mind. A site has found how to explain a part of it. Shrewd or sharp might be a better word. Steve always seems to make the right moves. Likewise, successful entrepreneurs seem to have intuitive good judgment when making complex business decisions. And on the kind of charisma Steve have, he could impatiently close the deal by his wooing tactics and amazing scheme on sales-talk.


Steve as a leader is different from most of his peers in that he takes personal responsibility for what Apple makes and how those products feel to the user. He directs the design process from start to finish, asking endless questions, expressing often conflicting opinions, unfailingly pushing the company toward better, more useful products. The sort of decisions that at most companies are considered finishing touches-- are to Jobs the very heart of the user experience and so are at the core of the design process.


Steve was reportedly an enigma to many at his office as well as people in business circles. He was very sweet and seductive when wooing prospective employees or when finalizing a deal with business partners. He would praise and inspire his employees in many creative and unimaginable ways. Even tough he did not really govern his team as good as what a leader must have, he his good leader of his company providing new products for their progress and success. His creative idea also leads to the peak of his career as a businessman and as technopreneur. Pirating ones work is not a good deed but for him it is one of the reasons why he has this idea and improves it and become his key to earn money and have a progressive company.


However, as a successful person Steve also experienced failures because of some factors;


Being self centered – Steve jobs only thinks of his own goods and for the progress of his company even though it can cause bad effects to his relationship with his colleagues, what he always think is for the benefits of his own and not thinking the others. He did not also give importance to his co-founder Wozniak, he did not show good relationship when he is on the way to his carrier.



In other cases he aimed to be ahead of everyone by enslaving his workers to work for his company and by out smarting everyone else if necessary just to have what it is that he wanted. He also looks down on his co workers like when there is applying on his company and telling them that they are not good enough to be in Apple.


Another factor is that upon arising his adopt knowledge, his learning’s makes him overoptimistic which he thinks that he can make whatever he wants to do and he makes his team inside his company without asking the other employees and leads to competitions and because of that he lost his one true friend Steve Wozniak. And all of those led to him being fired from apple which is his own company. Another is negative reinforcement- Steve Jobs is very inconsiderate to his employees and always rush on the things he wants to do.


I can also say that he is somehow a perfectionist, he only chooses the best of the best people as employees, and always wanted them to work. To do things in the way he is paying them for, not thinking or maybe not just minding that he is almost killing them already, pushing them to their limits. That kind of attitude brought him to failure and away from the people around him, his employees, friends, and even family but he did not mind at all.


If I will going to sum up all of his experiences that made him reach the peak of his career, factors to his success and failure he also learn to change and become a more successful technopreneur and continue providing and producing latest trend technology. As a student sharing my idea about this certain situation I can say that if we finally achieved our goals in life, we should learn to look back where we started and appreciate those persons who became part of our success.